Thursday, July 12, 2012

How to have Sex With A Teacher

How to have Sex With A Teacher

Do you want to know how to have sex with a teacher? Oh, how so many guys would love to have sex with a teacher. Most students, it is safe to say, are younger than their teachers. 

Even if they are not, the whole idea of the occupation is rather exciting. Those textbooks, those reading glasses, yes, those are enough to intrigue any man. There are some rules, however, when you wish to have sex with a teacher.

Make sure this is something you both are sure about before passion runs its course. Like most other things in life, this cannot be undone. There should always be a level of respect when having sex with a teacher. They can be quit different than other women and have more liabilities to think of.

Dress nice and keep yourself clean. Teachers are professionals and usually they prefer a man who is at their level or only slightly under. Do not overdo it, though, because teachers are usually not into fast talkers and over dressers. They tend to be practical people.
Know the rules when attempting these kinds of sexual activities. There are rules when dating or having sex with teachers. If you are a student of said teacher, then you will have to keep the relations quiet. It is against the rules to have sexual relations with your teacher. Although this can be exciting, the teacher could lose her job and even go to jail for such activities. Take extreme caution in this instance.

Know her rules for the game. Teachers may have a different outlook on the content of sexual activities, while some of them may not. Communicate beforehand on how sex will go between you two. You could be surprised and get to spend adventurous time with the teacher, as may be some cases.

Having sex with a teacher may not be any different than having sex with any other girl, but it is always good to have some basic guidelines. Pay attention to signals, signs and small gestures that will help you to know just how to get on the same page with the teacher.

How to Quickly

sex !