Monday, July 2, 2012

How to Attract Younger Women

How to Attract Younger Women

3 Tips All Men Should Know

Men who know how to attract younger women are among the happiest men on earth. They know the secrets to making hot twenty-somethings or perhaps the hottest of the hot thirty-somethings do a double take to check them out and they enjoy the benefits of life that come with knowing how to attract younger women.  
It may seem natural to these men, but guess what? You could be one of them! There is nothing magical to getting younger women to turn their heads, so let’s check out three quick tips that will help you work toward attracting younger women for yourself.

#1 Change Your Mind

Whatever you think you know about life and women due to your years on the planet, forget it all right now. Wisdom does come with age but you will have to start thinking like the younger generation if you are going to learn how to attract younger women.  
Younger women are very different from the older women you meet. Older women want a man who is stable, willing to commit and ready to just quit playing games and lay all the cards out on the table. Younger women will get bored or runaway if you take that direct approach. Give them some playfulness and keep them guessing about you. Give them mystery and excitement rather than security of knowing you want them.

#2 Use Your Wisdom

Even though younger women want mystery and wonder, they also love men who are mature and in a very stable position in life. You have to bring out your boyish nature and show that you can still let loose and have fun, but don’t be afraid to show them that you are also a wise, strong older man who has a lot to offer.
Knowing how to attract younger women involves using your wisdom so you can offer a bit of the older man along with a bit of the younger man.
If your lifestyle is more on the old man style than fun, adventurous young man, start stepping out of your comfort zone. Do outrageous things in your free time and see if it doesn’t help you learn how to attract younger women.

#3 Show Your Value

What surprises most men who want to know how to attract younger women is that they place just as much value in your social status as they do the size of your bank account, the type of car you drive, or the size of your feet. They care very much about your social status.

For instance, you will have a hard time attracting younger women if you are always alone. This tells girls that you aren’t valued by others. On the other hand, if you are always seen with a fun crowd of friends, especially younger, attractive girls others can relate to, you will display that you are highly prized in the social world.

If other young women find you attractive and fun to hang out with, others will want to hang out with you as well. Yes, this is a game, but it’s one younger women love to play because it is all driven on impulse and emotion.

Go Live Your Life!  
If you want to know how to attract younger women step out of your comfort zone. Grab some friends and do something adventurous! Remember to include a few younger women in that crowd and let your hair down. You will be surprised how far just living your life on the edge from time to time can do for your ability to learn how to attract younger women!

How to Quickly

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